Working Title: Love on the High Seas: Wrapped In The Colors Author: Pirate Turner Fandom: Angel, with hints of Pirates of the Caribbean and Smallville Pairing: Angel/Cordy Rating: PG-13 Challenge: Flag Summary: ( She comes to him in their colors. )
Working Title: Courage To Love Author: Pirate Turner Fandom: Pirates of the Caribbean Pairing: Will/Elizabeth with hints of becoming Jack/Will Rating: PG Challenge: Courage Summary: ( Jack lies to himself and to Will. )
Working Title: A Well Played Hatred Author: Pirate Turner Fandom: Pirates of the Caribbean Character: Jack Rating: PG Challenge: Earning his/her/its keep Summary: ( He didn't really like fighting him. )
Working Title: Hard as Iron and Cold as Steel Author: Pirate Turner Fandom: Pirates of the Caribbean Pairing: Jack/Will Rating: PG Challenge: Iron Summary: ( Jack's life and heart are changing. )
Working Title: What The Pirate Wants (What the Pirate Really, Really Wants) Author: Pirate Turner Fandom: Pirates of the Caribbean Pairing: Jack/Will Rating: G Challenge: Locker Summary: ( It may have been just one night, but it wasn't. )
Working Title: Bootstrap's Son Author: Pirate Turner Characters: Bootstrap and Will Turner Rating: PG Challenge: Forgiveness Summary: ( His destiny finally looks bright. )
Working Title: Better Than Any Dream Author: Pirate Turner Pairing: Will/Jack Rating: PG-13 Challenge: Dream Summary: ( His love was better than any dream. )